This is one of Dell Arte's rarest models. It featrues a master
grade cedar top, South American primavera back and sides, ebony binding, and a maple
neck. The back, sides, and neck are
toned with a honey color. Really stunning!
Hardware includes a brass DR tailpiece and brass Miller
This guitar has a 16 1/2" Favino sized body with a short 650mm neck.
Bigtone pickup included.
Tchavolo Schmitt used this model on his CD
Seven Gypsy Nights.
The sound is very Favino-esque, with some nice upper mids and rounded highs. It is well balanced and not overly bass heavy, which is the downfall of so many short scale D holes. The tone is dry and largely free of excessive ringing and echo. The action is at 3mm and it plays nicely with a set of 10 gauge Dell Arte strings.
This is the CASH price...add 3% if you'd like to pay with a credit card.
4% for International orders.