eBook: Terry Lewis Scale and Mode Book for the Mandolin
Terry Lewis has published "Learn The Mandolin Fretboard Through Scales
and Modes". This book starts in the key of C and works around the
circle of fifths to cover all 12 keys. Includes 29 scales and modes
used to form melodies and to improvise.
Scales and modes covered:
Major Ionian
Natural Minor
Minor Pentatonic
Whole Tone
Diminished (Whole-Half)
Diminished (Half-Whole)
Harmonic Minor
Harmonic Minor Second
Harmonic Minor Third
Harmonic Minor Fourth
Harmonic Minor Fifth
Harmonic Minor Sixth
Harmonic Minor Seventh
Jazz Melodic Minor
Dorian b2
Lydian Augmented
Lydian Dominant
Mixolydian b6
Locrian #2
Super Locrian (Alt)
Bebop Dominant
Bebop Major
Scales and modes are presented in standard notation with tab and
include a fretboard diagram with the root note of the scales
highlighted. Each note is named and marked in it's position. Each scale
and mode also includes step analysis.