I was thinking of putting the elixir B and E strings on my Furch because the argentines with my current time spent daily on guitar die within less than a week. Well I cant sonically care, because it still sounds great if I hit it properly with my right hand but the increased friction makes the unwound strings cut through my fingers and makes them sore. Has anyone tried it? I was thinking there cant be that big difference in the unwound e and b. What do you think?
I use Elixirs for the plain strings.
They last forever!
Hmm it’s always interesting how everyone ends up with different experiences on these things. I’ve switched to Galli silk and steel and the only thing I liked more about the argies was the b and e. Which as was mentioned shouldn’t really matter as it’s just unwound steel.
What are you using for the other 4 strings?
Here's another possibility -- cryogenically frozen strings -- you can get them as looped banjo plain steel strings or guitar strings. Some people say they sound better and last very long. I don't think there are any made from silver-plated copper wound strings, though (maybe Savarez should try making them, or GHS, which makes cryogenic strings).
Im using D’addario for the four wound ones