Hi folks -
Well, think I might have figured out a buzz issue, just noticed a pretty decent crack along the grain of the tailpiece insert of my DG-300, couldn't figure out why it was buzzing, when humidity wasn't the issue.
I have a friend who is a luthier, who could easily repair the insert (and put in some tailpiece leather, while we're at it....wouldn't mind seeing if I could dampen the sound just a bit).
Question goes out - anyone have a thought on repairing the tailpiece, or whether I might experience a nice uptick in sound on this model, if going for one of the tailpiece upgrades (whether DR Asian, or one of the others listed here).
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
In an attempt to dampen the reverb/overtone issue a bit, I took a small piece of cloth and placed in under the tailpiece.
The result is a drier tone closer to what I was hoping for. However, now I've an issue on the high and low E strings. Esp. on the high, fret buzz between frets 3-5 almost sound like a sitar. Not so bad on the low E. Action is high enough I think, at 4mm low E at 12th, so not sure why I'm getting buzz now, with the cloth.
Really, the bottom line to what I'm asking, what are people's feelings on a DR tailpiece upgrade, in terms of making a significant contribution to drying out sound on the Gitanes (I don't find my 300 too unruly in this way, just a bit more reverb, etc., than I would like. Perhaps I just need to save for a more premium guitar altogether, though I do appreciate my guitar, generally).
Thanks for whatever thoughts any might have.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Generally the nicer tailpieces don't ring as much so that should fix some of the problems you're having.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.