Wanted to get some ideas from the rest of you that have played many different makers of gypsy guitars. I want to get into a guitar with a rounded profile that isn't clubby or have shoulders in the neck profile. Let's just talk about neck profiles in general and what is comfortable to you.
Here's what I've played.
d500-wide thin(ish) profile. The one isn't rounded enough for me. It's become playable to me as it
was my fist gypsy guitar.
d340-rounded with shoulders turning it into a d shape profile rather than a c shape. This neck is thick.
In general I'm after a comfy C shape.
anyone have thoughts or experiences?
Sounds to me like you have your ideal down
but my question is what gypsy guitars fit this bill?
I agree everyone has their faves.
Thanks for the info, exactly what I was looking for.