Hello all,
I plan to go to Samois this year for the first time. Can someone tell me how easy is to find used guitar? I wont bring my guitar, but want to buy one there since I need second guitar.
Do people bring guitars to sell them there?
Thanks for help
Also you could try asking round the other campsite Le Petit Barbeau, last year the Dutch luthier/repairer Brunaari had a few guitars for sale at his caravan there. Also there may be people looking to sell a guitar or two at that campsite too.
I'm not going this year but I hope you have a great time and good luck with buying a guitar
I am even considering to wear a shirt with 'I am buying a used guitar'
If i sell Altamira that i own now, i will probably buy high end instrument, but probably used one.
If i dont, ill try to find used cigano, or DG-255. Both of them i already had and regret for having them sold.