Cool recording with Django's microphone

JonJon melbourne, australiaProdigy Dupont MD50B, '79 Favino
edited June 2012 in Recording Posts: 391
Don't know if you guys have already heard this, but check out Christophe Lartilleux's two youtube recordings with Selmer 634 and (apparently) the same mic Django used to record with - Melodion Melodynamic 75a (a French mic, a few of which are sometimes available on the French eBay site, in varying states of repair/functionality).

Pretty cool, and very, very close to THE sound. It helps that he's a great player too :)



  • Svanis1337Svanis1337 ✭✭✭
    Posts: 459
    Great! All that's left now is the extremely important band placement around that one microphone and then press it onto a vintage 78rpm. :)

    Of course what mic Django used depended on the studio.
  • BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
    Posts: 527
    Fapy Lafertin recorded his CD "Hungaria" with a vintage ribbon microphone from about 1938. If you like that sound, you should check this CD.

  • Svanis1337Svanis1337 ✭✭✭
    Posts: 459
    The second one is really believable! (Since it's mono) All it needs is some noise. To be honest though, the rhythm guitars still sound weird on the second. Probably because it was recorded stereo and converted mono. (By mistake apparently, but a good mistake i'd say!) If someone spent some time with noise generators and messing about with the recording in digital audio workstations (fixing the rhythm guitar problem first) you could nail it exactly! I'd do it myself but first... The rhythm guitars need to be fixed! :)
  • Jeff MooreJeff Moore Minneapolis✭✭✭✭ Lebreton 2
    Posts: 476
    Beyond the beauty of the recording method, Christophe's style is the most amazing resurrection of the style imaginable. That playful lilt and the ability to follow an idea to its illogical conclusion is just superb!
    "We need a radical redistribution of wealth and power" MLK
  • anthon_74anthon_74 Marin county, CA✭✭✭✭ Alta Mira M 01
    Posts: 561
    Someone NEEDS to make a series of play along recordings with this mic set up ! Wow, it sounds like those old recordings but with less hiss in the background. I love it. More please !

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