i'm trying to find a youtube video of adrien as a child playing at his first samois , but i'm not sure what year to search for .. does anyone know this video?
Hello, I think the video you're talking about was uploaded on Google Videos, I'm not sure you can search a video on google video anymore, am I right?
I remember this because I found it last year while searching "django reinhardt" on google videos and the first one on the list was this video of Adrien with Sebastien Giniaux and Fred Belinsky too !!!
hey , thanks for the vids .. he's a much better player now eh, that 2005 one well when they play stupid fast like that it doesn't sound much like music to me. 2006 one interesting i can start to hear more of those wacky adrien ideas coming out!
well he says in patrus interview that his first samois was 2003, i haven't actually ever seen the video i'm thinking of so i'm not sure if it was on google video or what .. just a friend mentioned it to me about a young adrien at his first samois, just a dorky kid really and playing tunes like honeysuckle rose
2005 isn't adrien's first samois, i have a video of him from 2002 or 2003, i think he was 16 or 17, he played great... that video is on VHS though.. he was jamming on minor swing
For $30 dollars you can get a USB VHS to Digital converter. Plug one end in the VHS, the other end in the USB. And you get recording software with it. Press record and play the whole VHS tape and then when it's done press stop and save the file, make sure it's the highest possible quality, and that you don't have the annoying VHS text on the screen before recording. (The white text that appears when you play/stop a VHS).
Just saying. I have one myself, works great and is useful if you want to preserve all those old vhs tapes and/or share them with the world.
I remember this because I found it last year while searching "django reinhardt" on google videos and the first one on the list was this video of Adrien with Sebastien Giniaux and Fred Belinsky too !!!
I sent the link to Sebastien when I found it
well he says in patrus interview that his first samois was 2003, i haven't actually ever seen the video i'm thinking of so i'm not sure if it was on google video or what .. just a friend mentioned it to me about a young adrien at his first samois, just a dorky kid really and playing tunes like honeysuckle rose
Just saying. I have one myself, works great and is useful if you want to preserve all those old vhs tapes and/or share them with the world.
http://web.archive.org/web/200605250129 ... aquito.wmv
Samois 2005:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 0380326240
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7441642907
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 5104285177
Samois 2006:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4574170851
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 3870311289
Samois 2007:
Also, there's footage of him playing in Samois in the early 2000s in the Alfonso Ponticelli "Gypsy Jazz Odyssey" DVD (around 24:56).