Hi all,
I was lucky enough to go to Samois this year for the first time and it was everything I hoped it would be plus more! The weather was good too!
I was also lucky enough to see Fapy & Lollo giving an impromptu performance at the Samerou campsite on the Thursday. Here's some footage I recorded. Sorry about the wobbly camera, not much I can do about that! There's four parts but I particularly liked the performance of Hungaria and All Of Me, the other parts can be found easily. Enjoy.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
I've the youtube captions and the BBCode is on as well. Hmm...
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Here's what I get:
(that was just getting back to the page). Using your original url,
Is what I get (same page, just youtube's reference for how I got there).
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Great video. I was there to. The guy singing is Tat Perry, and he is from our Belgian-Dutch company.
Yes, it was really a good time with lots of good jams and laughs.