Want ALL Django recordings

AhabAhab GB✭✭
edited August 2012 in History Posts: 88
Ok if you have the Django bug then are two MUST HAVE's for an afficianado.

For the complete recordings Django Reinhardt Integrale is the most comprehensive and has 99.9% of all known recordings that he made. It's also mastered very well and the recordings sound very good. You can pruchase it through I believe.

The second is the biography by Michael Dregni callled "Django, The Life And Music Of A Gypsy Legend". A superb book with dozens of fascinating anecdotes, it's a must have book in my opinion. It's very well researched and brings you in the world of french jazz in the thirties and forties.

Hope this helps!


  • klaatuklaatu Nova ScotiaProdigy Rodrigo Shopis D'Artagnan, 1950s Jacques Castelluccia
    Posts: 1,665
    The Integrale series is available here:

    The best price performer looks to be the three boxed collections, Saison 1, 2, & 3 at $110 each. It's a lot of money, but if you want complete, that's complete. It works out to a bit more than $8 per CD, not bad, really.

    "It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
    -- Orson Welles
  • klaatuklaatu Nova ScotiaProdigy Rodrigo Shopis D'Artagnan, 1950s Jacques Castelluccia
    Posts: 1,665
    You'd be surprised, Jazzmonkey. I've compared Michael's prices to prices in Canada, when you can even FIND a decent gypsy guitar up here (other than the excellent ones by the Canadian builders like Shelley Park or Martin Tremblay) and you almost always come out better buying from Michael, shipping and customs included. Same applies to strings, amps, you name it, his prices are excellent. Ask him about customs costs - I won't speak for him on that subject, but again, you'll be pleasantly surprised. I live in Nova Scotia and have bought tons of stuff from Michael over the years, including several guitars, and I've always been happy with the cost as well as the quality.

    Where are you located?

    "It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
    -- Orson Welles
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