Well my Altamira MO1D arrived last night (pics are coming I know I know...). Maybe I'm spoiled by the stellar fretwork on my electrics (Tom Anderson, Don Grosh, Michael Tuttle) and my Taylor acoustic, but the frets on the M01D feel like barbed wire. They're level, but very rough and not at all polished. Is this common on Altamira and/or the Asian Gypsy guitars in general? I paid extra for the "set up special" and expected to have smooth frets. These are anything but smooth.
cut off a small enough piece of the 400 so that you can hold it over the end of one finger snug but not tight. Folded to a double thickness if you have used sandpaper before and have an idea of how it all works.
Fingetip pointing down with just enough pressure that the fret indents the fingertip but sandpaper doesnt touch the fretboard...gently slide fingertip across frets evenly until you get a nice even dull look ...just a few strokes should do.
Change the spot on the paper and repeat for all frets, same number of strokes and pressure for each fret.
Repeat with 800 and then 1200 paper. The finer papers will take more strokes.
Total cost maybe 3 bucks and you will have lots left for another guitar.
If one is really banging on the strings well action just high enough to not buzz
High action just bu****sup note duration and intonation in the higher fret areas.
Their finger board dye is just leather dye that can be purchased from tack/saddle shops for much less.
Their shielding paint can be found at electronics stores for considerably less.
My favorite it their tune-o-matic bridge jack. They want $35.49 for that nifty little tool. The funny thing is Dan Erlewine did an article in Guitar Player where he used a bicycle tire lever to do the same thing. You can get three of those for under $5.00.