Does anyone have any standard tech riders for a QHCF line-up (3 gtrs, violin, double bass) + vocals for venues/festivals supplying sound?
I came up with these, but I feel like I'm missing something:
Stage Requirements:
Soundboard with at least 8 discrete channels, separate controls for monitors, and appropriate power amps for the venue and monitoring system
Two (2) stage monitors, right and left
Five (5) XLR direct lines with quality direct boxes for instruments. The Soiree musicians usually bring their own DI boxes/devices with XLR DI outs, but venue must have back-ups.
Two (2) Shure SM-58 vocal microphones with on/off switches with boom stands
Three (3) folding chairs
Yes, I intentionally omitted the reference to the bowl full for green M&M's backstage!
Jill Martini Soiree - Gypsy Swing & Cocktail Jazz
What you have here isn't much different...
Plus I find the sound of SM58s to be a little harsh sounding, I know they are nearly indestructible but really there are way better mics for vocal.
• Five (5) XLR direct lines with quality direct boxes for instruments. Band usually brings their own DI boxes/devices with XLR DI outs, but venue must have back-ups.
• Two (2) Shure SM-58 or equivalent vocal microphones with on/off switches and windscreens, mounted on boom stands
Channel Instrument Recommendation Stand Insert
1 Jill Vocal SM58 Long Boom Compressor, reverb
2 Xtra Vocal SM58 Long Boom Compressor, reverb
3 Lauren - Violin DI Reverb
4 Jill - Guitar DI
5 Miles - Guitar DI Reverb
6 Brandon - Guitar DI Reverb
7 Alec - Double Bass DI
FOH and Stage Requirements:
• Stage area: minimum 10’ deep x 15’ wide
• Soundboard with at least 8 discrete channels, separate controls for monitors, and appropriate power amps for FOH and monitoring system.
• Appropriate speakers for FOH sound
• Effects: two (2) Parametric EQ (unless part of soundboard), Reverb, Feedback suppressor, compressor
• Two (2) stage monitors, right and left
• Three (3) folding chairs
• Two power strips with grounded plugs (1 each: stage right and stage left), connected to discrete 120VAC 20-amp power circuits
• One (1) table for merchandise (at least 3’ round) – unless a merchandise area already exists
• Appropriate stage lighting for time of day. If night time, instruments should be loaded with a variety of the following Roscolux gel colors: 33 (No Color Pink), 34 (Flesh Pink), 60 (No Color Blue), and 80 (Primary Blue).
• Minimum of two (2) parking spaces near stage for band, or transportation to the stage