You know, I love this little tune...Nous'che and Stochelo backstage somewhere in 2008, on their Roots album....just a sweet, little groove, and Nous'che's rhythm on it sends me into orbit.
My question is, am I alone? Why do we not often see it in jams, etc.? I know the provenance is Dinah, but for the life of me, I can't hear the Rosenberg's light take, without craving a coupla eggs, white toast with butter and apple jelly, hash and bad coffee.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
That's cool. I'd love to hear you guys play it. Do you have anything out there, music/vids?
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Hahah, well, I'll tell you what was told me to once. I may have mentioned it here. Lives ago, when I was a Chicago actor, and before I went union, I worked quite a bit, but for wages that...well, let's just say it wasn't New York strip nightly, 'kay?
I used to love this greek coffee house. The guy who owned it, I'm certain a former Orthodox monk, long black beard, a crown of thin, jet hair, eyes to match...chided me when I lamented I'd not enough to keep doing espresso at his place. In a thick accent, "always leave a little room for luxury, Paul."
I've never forgotten.
Now, that said, you see, in my high-falutin' palate world, a cup of bad coffee is a luxury. I won't do Dunkin' Donuts (sorry, afficionados), but I will do diner mud, for the flight of fancy into the swing era, alone!
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
I guess everything has it guys are in summer now, right? Maybe we're just bummed to be entering winter.
That's really interesting, Wim. At DIJ, and at, oh, 3-4 of our local fests (we have a summer and a winter one), I don't recall it being called once. I really do like the tune.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
Here's how it should sound! 8)
I definitely called this a DiJ during the infamous "play from your abs" Stephane jam.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
This one is full of neat stuff to work on including his comping/counterpoint during the theme choruses.