Hi all.Happy New Year!
I would be interested to know if there are anyone out there who has had any experience with the pre-New Concept strings?
When I began using them about thirteen years ago on my Favino,it was very frustrating because the third string would last only a couple of hours.It would get chewed up.I found them to be unusable really.And they were not cheap strings!
As a result I still have like six sets without a third string stashed away.
Recently I began using a NC 010-set instead of a NC 011-set,and was delighted by the improvement in sound quality and playability.(My Favino is a 670mm).
I have no trouble with the New Concept strings.They last pretty long.
But I´ve noticed the gauges are different.The wound strings are heavier and as a result more difficult to bend and to get the right vibrato.Especially the third and fourth strings.
Now if only Savarez would make a New Concept set with the old gauges...
Any thoughts appreciated!