Ummm... I can think of better things to do with reefers... :roll:
hahahah. Too many trips down Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds as a young and would-be Castaneda, Tim Leary-style, afraid this enjoyable product is likely a thing of the past...though medically, I could sure use, uh, refrigerators.
This response is probably well past the due date but with my GJ-15 I just took some wine bottle cork - cut it to the right size and then shimmed it under the tail-piece. That dampened the extra wetness I was hearing. I eventually took it out because I found that when solo playing and playing ballads some of the harmonic overtones were missing making it a less desirable sound. To use a piano analogy, playing without the cork was like having the sustain pedal down all the time - ok on ballads I suppose - but not good on fast pieces where the overtones pile up. Putting the cork is was like disconnecting the sustain pedal - part of the palette disappeared.
This forced me to adjust my playing to seek to manage the ringing as best I can. After considerable work I am happy to have done it this way.
Ummm... I can think of better things to do with reefers... :roll:
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
hahahah. Too many trips down Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds as a young and would-be Castaneda, Tim Leary-style, afraid this enjoyable product is likely a thing of the past...though medically, I could sure use, uh, refrigerators.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
This forced me to adjust my playing to seek to manage the ringing as best I can. After considerable work I am happy to have done it this way.