You sound great by the way! Are some of those your licks, like your own invention?
They are almost all licks I ripped off from people much better than me that I've been transcribing over the years. Thanks - I can't stomach my own playing at this point so it is really encouraging. I think more mature musicians get to the point where they are more comfortable in their own skin as a musician and I'm not quite there yet. It is one of my big projects this year to learn to calm down and just play the notes I want to play.
Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner has become a recommended book for that very purpose by a number of people and schools
What I and many other wind players and good singers have learned is to pitch correct to some reference automatically. On the upper notes of my alto I can bend a note down without changing lip pressure by around a minor third and pitch it up with lip pressure about a semi tone ...but more lip pressure on the reed pinches the sound and it loses something. The sax by its rather eclectic design is the closest instrument to the human voice in variability of colour and range of expressions.
In sax quartet how we intonate is different than playing with piano or guitar but even in that we think about which way to play a third which will depend on what note someone else is playing.
Playing with guitars is the most challenging because guitar keys are the ones with the most sharps and flats for alto E major concert = C# major 7 sharps on alto and bari (some guys think in Db because it only has 5 lats but for some odd reason I find C# easier to think in).
Django isnt always perfectly in tune either and its not really an issue....just part and parcel of playing the guitar. Sometimes your thirds fourths and fifths are going to have a bit of a beat to them if you hang there.....
Not something most people worry about Like the joke says ...How long does it take to tune a guitar ....nobody knows ...its never been done. :shock:
The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
They are almost all licks I ripped off from people much better than me that I've been transcribing over the years. Thanks - I can't stomach my own playing at this point so it is really encouraging. I think more mature musicians get to the point where they are more comfortable in their own skin as a musician and I'm not quite there yet. It is one of my big projects this year to learn to calm down and just play the notes I want to play.
What I and many other wind players and good singers have learned is to pitch correct to some reference automatically. On the upper notes of my alto I can bend a note down without changing lip pressure by around a minor third and pitch it up with lip pressure about a semi tone ...but more lip pressure on the reed pinches the sound and it loses something. The sax by its rather eclectic design is the closest instrument to the human voice in variability of colour and range of expressions.
In sax quartet how we intonate is different than playing with piano or guitar but even in that we think about which way to play a third which will depend on what note someone else is playing.
Playing with guitars is the most challenging because guitar keys are the ones with the most sharps and flats for alto E major concert = C# major 7 sharps on alto and bari (some guys think in Db because it only has 5 lats but for some odd reason I find C# easier to think in).
Django isnt always perfectly in tune either and its not really an issue....just part and parcel of playing the guitar. Sometimes your thirds fourths and fifths are going to have a bit of a beat to them if you hang there.....
Not something most people worry about Like the joke says ...How long does it take to tune a guitar ....nobody knows ...its never been done. :shock:
Hope you don't mind if I rip some of those ideas