Hey all, I am looking for a budget solution to approximate a later Django sound. Right now I have a Pêche à la Mouche pickup that I am running through a ZT lunchbox junior but I am thinking to try out a low watt tube amp.
I came across the Epiphone Valve Junior, which looks nice but I have read pretty bad reviews.
There is a nice looking Gretsch Electromatic but I can't find one to sample.
Right now I am considering the Vox AC4, which has the nice advantage of being able to select the output wattage for low key playing (I am not a high volume seeker).
The problem is that every sample out there wants to show me how bluesy or overdriven the amp can get, and that is not the sound I'm particularly looking for.
Can any gear heads on here think of a better low wattage, budget solution? Or am I better off just to stick with my ZT for all the difference it would make?
Thanks in advance!
Much better would be something like the aforementioned Champ, an old Gibson or Valco-built amp. Try and find an Ampeg Jet, clean all the way. This will set you back $500+ though. Something to work up to if you're currently on a tighter budget. (Who isn't?)
Swang on,