Does anyone have any interesting licks that they like to use over the A section of these types of songs that they can post?
The harmony is so diatonic and static that it's hard for me to come up with something that sounds very exciting. I usually just do major kinds of things or major/blues but i start repeating myself pretty quickly.
It seems like the B section has the reputation of being 'harder' because of the cycle of 7th chords but at least the harmonic structure is changing and it seems easier not to become too repetitive. For me it is harder to make the A section sound interesting.
On the Rosenberg Academy, I learned good ways to approach those tunes. You don't have to play all the changes. A lot of times, the masters will play I to V7 or I to IVm. You can "float" above the changes so to speak with the bluesy vocab you mentioned. That's just one of many ways to go about it. Transcribing licks will get you far! It's how the masters learned. Don't over analyze it. Listen, copy and learn
Amund, yes I'm planning to sign up for the lead portion soon even though I'm guessing it's a bit over my skill level (still working on Nousche's rhythm course).
Can you post any tab of a whole tone idea or reference anything on Youtube where it is used?
Oh that explains it. I scanned thru #2 and didn't see it so I just started reviewing it in detail anyway since there is a lot of good stuff in there.
I'll look at 3 next. It's good for me to pick this DVD up again since when I first got it it was WAY over my skill level. Now at least I can understand what Denis is doing even if I can't play it up to speed yet.
Yes, I was just looking at that section in Wrembels book yesterday as a matter of fact to try to get some ideas. I'll check that out.