This is just a distillation of the what I found to be the most salient advice for a Givone newbie (as I myself am).
This is the advice 'at a glance'. You still want to see all the viewpoints from the posts here. I was just a bit lost/confused (nothing new) so I made this posting if you find yourself in the same condition. I am better now, I really am

[quote]Re: Translations to English? (#p62660)
by Lango-Django » Sat Apr 20, 2013 8:27 am
Good luck with your Givone studies, kevorkazito. I'm no longer taking any formal responsibility for the former support group, but I can offer you this advice--- as far as I'm aware, nobody in our group managed to do Givone's "linked" version of the forms, but just learned them separately.
additionally, I would suggest learning the forms in the following order:
1) major tonic (page 20)
2) major dominant (page 24)
3) minor tonic (page 22)
4) minor dominant (page 26)
since Givone provides all the fingerings as "G" chords (G, Gm, G7, G7b9) I would suggest transposing either the tonic to C or the dominant to D7 so that you can learn matching tonic and dominant fingerings for the same fingerboard location at the same time.
Anyway, have fun, and I think you'll really enjoy this and benefit from it... The big challenge is to internalize it to the point where you don't even consciously think about it as you use it in your
Re: my experience with this method (#p54714)
by spud » Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:40 pm
here's my advice:
-keep working on the 5 forms for major, minor , Dominant to major and dominant to minor .
-also learn by heart givone's 2-5-1 sequences in all the keys
-start applying as much as you can to relatively standard jam session tunes (because lets face it, to play with others is the aim of the game, not to do excersises at home alone):
cant give you
minor swing
blues minor
les yeux noir
all of me
take your time start slowly, even concentrating to small sections.
in these songs you will find lots of standard chord changes that you need to learn asap.
-learn some licks or concepts for the standard progressions that change quicky. givone doesnt give enough ammunition for these changes that are in many songs and are often one bar per chord:
christoph (i dont know the name in english- the progression at the end of cant give you, all of me, it had to be you, djangos tiger etc)
rhythm changes
djangology (same as night and day, all the things you are etc)
its also good to see how a minor sequence works in relation to its relative major. for example in the followings tunes:
sweet georgia brown
anniversary song
it had to be you
ive found a new baby
it dont mean a thing
what is this thing called love (here givone's phrases are very easily applied and its a good excersise and the perfect example of the relation minor and relative major progressions)
this last point is ony something that i recently got my head and fingers around.
even though i have spent a lot of time on the givone forms, i often go back and revise the forms because when you play around you get stuck in certains patterns and you forget some details.
but i really believe in applying as much as you can to the actual songs played in jams because its when you are under a bit of pressure and you have to be able to react quickly and calmly that you need to be able to fall back on something. hope this helps!
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
Hi Lango, It's going well. I really like these forms. I'm dedicating myself to these before I move on to my Wrembel book.