Hey all, not sure where to put this. I've enjoyed reading
this book. A former classical prodigy returns to playing after swearing off his instrument for 10 years. He's a stellar writer (PhD in comparative lit from Stanford; doesn't make you a writer, but he's a contemplative fellow with a gift for narrative, in my opinion).
Among other gems, wasn't aware previously of Segovia's daily routine. 5 hours, no more, broken up into 1.25 hour slots of focused practice (the book, "
The Talent Code" - highly recommend as well; "deep practice" as one of the cornerstones of myelinization - i.e., developing skill). In between these "chunks" of deep practice, life as usual with friends, exercise, etc. I'm aware most don't have this kind of free time, but I think it's useful nonetheless. For me, it's 1.25 (x2) of Christiaan/Nous'che's rhythm course and any new songs (accompaniment); 1.25 on soloing (right now, RA), 1.25 on waltzes. Various "intruders" (of my doing) have made that good intention a bit of a mockery lately, but looking forward to returning to a regular, consciously designed, routine.
Loved it, I'll have to pick it up again soon.
You have a link for that YouTube stuff? I'd like to see it.
Interesting clip between Yehudi and Stephane - if memory serves, that's included in the Stephane doc., "Life in the Jazz Century," yes?
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
At 5 hours a day, if you keep this up Paul, you ate gping to get seriuosly proficient
Man, do NOT mention the word "Pick."
I think at 5 hours a day, given my obsessive tendencies, I'll have a great sounding "ii" of a C ii-V-I, in about a year and a half. "Smith, yep, beautiful Dm7. Too bad everything else sucks."
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
That's too fuuny man.
Which model you see this guy using?
A special picture like this deserves a special "plectrum".
Here's an "natural" Wegen pick made from South African buffalo horn rather than his usual magical material. Lefty, of course... AE
Is that Wegen a custom? Do you play it? I like it's shape.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
That's awesome!
I was looking at it in my car while parked when I got home today, windows were rolled down and I laughed so loud that some people on the street turned and looked over.
"for every flavor you desire there is a Wegen"