Hey all -
Well, I'm piecing our PA system and got a good mixer at a good price (tough call between A&H and Soundcraft, but ultimately went with MFXi12 because I got a great deal, and because that leaves us with more than enough discrete channels for our largest lineup, a concern with the Zed series mixers).
In terms of speakers, lots of good things I've heard here (Martinb, thanks) and read online about the RCF 310A or 312A series, but I'm not seeing the older 310A available anywhere - only seeing the 310A MK III, for the most part.
I've heard mixed things on these newer RCF MKIII's - concerns with quality and quality control degradations. Anyone with some experience with these speakers? Wanting to keep two, powered speakers under $1000, so with that in mind, entertaining alternatives as well.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.