
MikeVelezMikeVelez New
edited August 2013 in Archtop Eddy's Corner Posts: 4
Is anyone familiar with any gypsy jazz jams or venues in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York area? I've been playing the style for a while now and I'm looking to get out there in the scene and play with others of the same style.


  • Mike,

    If you are on facebook, do a search for NYC Gypsy Music Community. It is a group dedicate to this style and people tend to promote their gigs and jam sessions in the area. I used to co-run a monthly jam session in NJ, but lack of a consistent free venue was tough. Barry from Hot Club of Philly runs occasional jams in the Philly area. Hope this helps.
  • MikeVelezMikeVelez New
    Posts: 4

    Hey, thanks a lot man that was a big help. Too bad there isn't more going on for the scene around here. Besides NYC, I guess. I'm not too far so I think it'd be worth it to go up and check out some of the stuff with the NYC Gypsy Music Community. A friend of mine and I have a gypsy duo thing together and it'd be nice to have a bassist for once. Or ANYONE that is familiar with the style to jam with, for that matter. Thanks again man.
  • darth_5darth_5 New
    Posts: 1
    I had a wonderful dine out with my family at Hollywood so I decided to celebrate my son's first birthday party there. Help me to get good results.
    venues in hollywood
  • Joli GadjoJoli Gadjo Cardiff, UK✭✭✭✭ Derecho, Bumgarner - VSOP, AJL
    Posts: 542
    You should check with Kruno Spisic, Dallas Vietty, Daisy Castro, the Hot Club du Jour and HC Philly of course. All of those are in PA. I am not familiar with NJ
    Good luck!
    - JG
  • ferrica_3ferrica_3 New
    Posts: 1
    I am doing a project on hollywood venues. Will you please help me to manage my list according to increasing rank? I want your suggestion.
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