I've noticed the names of some tracks on my CD as the media player shows them don't fit.
E.g.: J'attendrai is named Nauges, Etude #1 is named Stephanesque and so on...
The list printed on top of the CD seems to be OK.
Plus the artist is "Michael Borowitz", is it like that on purpose? (B instead of H.)
Just a feedback. Received it yesterday, didn't take detailed look, but it seems really good. And the CD alone is very well listenable.
*Chords Online - they have quite a good Django related selection of books http://www.chords-online.de/index.php?force_sid=5252b447a2a12bfec3bf5a049eab7553&cl=search&searchparam=django&d3searchlike[oxinstrument]=GitarreAkustik&d3searchlike[oxtyp]=