I have just removed the wrap wire from an Argentine string and the core seems to be hex not round. I had a luthier and an engineer have a look with a magnifying glass and they both confirmed hex core.
People have talked about the pre-New Concept Argentines sounding and feeling much better, although maybe not lasting as long. Is it possible this is the point they changed from round to hex? If so does anyone know when the new concept strings were introduced?
Interestingly the Savarez website makes no mention of round or hex cores.
Looking forward to opinions on this as the round cores seem to be a big selling point for Argentines.
Straight from the store page.
No, I think what the OP meant was...
Oh, what's the point...
:roll: :roll: :roll:
The point is clarity
Gonna take it up to one of the school labs this week and put it under a 100 x stereoscope...then i can answer for sure. At first it looked like it but upon removing windings further down it is not so clear, there look to be round parts too....
They seem to be either tinning the end wrap or putting a drop of cyano on the last inch. When you pull the wrap off its coming away with a residue . I don't have a microscope in my shop, but its a treatment of some sort not hex. The rest of the string is untreated though there are slight indentations which are due , (or so it would seem), to the fact that the strings are pressure wound ,which is common for round core strings.
The copper wrap is soft. So different from a steel string.
100x will tell all
Newtone don't seem to do anything...except tell you not to cut the string until its locked and at tension
I'll leave that to you.
I don't plan on needing to reverse engineer the Savarez string.
I'm not in the string business.
You rock, man. Let us know what you find.