on the french forum of gypsyjazz (guitarejazzmanouche), the idea of gathering the songs in romanes and in french we can hear in gypsy jazz arose (for example, on Schnuckenack or Bamboula Ferret recordings)
I have begun to look for information about all this stuff and a first draft is now available. Since I use some information from Djangobook forum, may be some of you could be interested in this book of songs.
The idea is for each song to have Composer (music and lyrics), interesting performances of the song, lyrics, translation (in French, sorry...), chords and the melody (not available yet...).
The book is divided in two parts : songs in romanes, russian, rumanian, deutsch... and songs in french.
There are some flaws and things I will add and correct in next days but if you want to have a look at this book... I'll be glad to receive your comments, suggestions... and the missing information you may have.
For information, the main flaw is related to the spelling of the sinti songs which varies according to the source I used. I will correct this and try to use only one spelling.
The book is enclosed at the end of the message, but if there is a problem,
this another link
Thanks to Caleb for having pointed out this topic and for the pdf.
What a strange collection of songs, Django tunes, french standards and modern composed songs.
The interpreter of Le dernier soir is Odette PACOU and Tino Rossi sang "Maria".
I am surprised to see "Le Jour où je te vis"(does not appear in the content) which is not the best known song of Jean Sablon and not "Rendez-vous sous la pluie" or "Par correspondance". Why "Que reste-t-il de nos amours" by Charles Trénet and not "Ménilmontant" or "Verlaine". Why not "Pigalle" or "Si tu savais" by Georges Ulmer. Why not "La Foule", "Seule ce soir", "Mon pote le Gitan", "Mon amant de Saint-Jean", etc...
François RAVEZ
The choice of songs was first based on the songs found in two kind of CD : the Schnuckenack and co series for romanes songs and Bamboula & Fapy CDs for old french songs.
That's why for example Mon amant de St Jean, Mon Pote le gitan etc... don't appear in the book.
But you're right, some of your suggestions are really relevant (I have forgotten them whereas I am a big fan of these songs...): I'll add other songs by Jean Sablon and Django, songs of George Ulmer which are not so famous.
However, I don't want to add more famous french songs : there is no specific interest since information can very easily be found on internet for these tunes. (for example La foule, Mon amant de St Jean...)
FOr information, in the romanes songs, I have found information about the Puri dai Waltz in the movie Swing (TOny gatlif), where an old woman sings accompanied by Tchavolo. I will complete the pdf.
Feel free to suggest other songs you would like to add in this "book" and I will try to find them.
Here are a few more suggestions :
Tico Tico
Où es-tu mon amour
Quand refleuriront les lilas blancs
Oui (si tu me dis oui)
Wa Di Wa Di Ou
Ma première guitare
Vous qui passez sans me voir
La camarde
La javanaise
La mer
Un homme et une femme
Mon Dieu
Ne me quitte pa