Hi folks,
I just did an interesting find on ebay. There are some film stills from Leni Riefenstahls film "Tiefland". She worked on that film from 1942 to 1953. It is well known that she used about 64 Sinti as statists, because she needed spanish "Gypsies" for her film. So she "ordered" them from the Gypsy Concentration Camp in Berlin-Marzahn. Later they were brought to the Concentration-camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where most of them were killed. Only a few of the former Riefenstahl-Statists survived.
One of the survivors was Gono Weiss, father of Häns'che Weiss. I am not sure if it is Gono Weiss, who can be seen in this film still, playing guitar for Mrs. Riefenstahl (who had the main role in that film herself):
http://www.ebay.de/itm/LENI-RIEFENSTAHL ... 20c2471708