Hi, I'm new here and to gypsy jazz. Actually I've been trying to learn for the past two years but it was only recently that I finally got into it. Anyway, there're virtually no gypsy jazz players here in the Philippines, so it's hard to jam with someone and learn from them so I struggle to learn on my own.
Anyway, hope to learn form you guys here!
Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear there's some Gypsy jazz in the Philippines. :-bd
Keep it up...
That or backing Tracks...Robin. Nolan ?..Angelo Debarre/Sammy Dassaut
@Jazzaferri: yeah, I've been looking for backing tracks and am currently on the lookout for a good guitar-computer interface to record my own, but I'd like to find someone I can jam with one-on-one so I can ask questions, learn from them, etc. The only Filipino Manouche player I found plays the violin, and is in Hawaii! Haha.
He also has a great site dc music. Worth checking out.
I checked his DC music site too, but haven't purchased any lessons yet from him. I feel I have to master my arps and general 'awareness' of the music first. :P