End of the blind test:
Micro 1 is the "pêche à la mouche"
Micro 2 and 3 are the Stimers, the numbre 2 is the Dupont Stimer and the number 3 is the original Stimer.
Micro 4 is the Kent Armstrong.
Hi, I propose a blind test:
You can ear an original stimer, a Dupont stimer, pêche à la mouche and a Kent Armstrong pick up.
On the videos, the order is not the same:
I record with a Compact 60 AER and a two Cyril Gaffiero guitars.
You can vote for the one you prefer here:
I will reveal wich pick up is the "micro 1", "micro 2" ... later.
I went to the other site but can't find my way around it, gotta study French before.
I'd dismiss the first video for any comparison, since they're on different parts of the song and different strings so it kida unfair to compare.
I liked #4 in both, and it's different enough from the rest which makes me think it's the Kent A pickup. What I liked about it is it had the most tube like sound, that tube sag.
Though I wouldn't be disappointed with any of those.
In the second video #2 is also nice; warm, dark and it had a lot of sustain. #1 and 3 were similar. That makes me think 1 and 3 are different versions of Stimer and 2 is the Pêche.
Let us know when you reveal what's what.
I would rather hear them through a hot tube amp though. I don't dig the 'clean' electric sound in jazz manouche, when I have the pickup sound I want it to be dirty and overdriven.
What do I win?
Swang on,
At the begining, I wanted to play with my Fender Blues Junior III Tweed, but I have a problem with tubes and I can't use it. So I take the AER, sorry! I'm agree with you about it!
It's one of the first Cyril Gaffiero guitar (www.cyrilgaffiero.fr). Very nice, warm and powerful sound. I love this guitar!