Hi Folks:
Encouraged and enthused by our experience of the last couple of years, I decided to take the proverbial plunge in 2014 by hiring a tremendous roster of Europeans for you to work and play with. Fact is, you can't make these arrangements last minute so at 3 months out, we're all in.
The most recent additions include two old friends of the event -- Kamlo Barre (France) and Biel Ballester (Spain) -- and one newcomer, William Brunard, a mainstay of the Paris GJ scene on both bass and guitar. That's in addition to Les Doigts de l'Homme, Samson Schmitt, Christophe Lartilleux, Doudou Cuillerier, Denis Chang, Tim Kliphuis, Aurelien Trigo, Don Stiernberg and many more great players/instructors. You'll find the full updated list with blurbs and links to their work here:
My inspiration for Django in June was hearing how Europeans approached this music in the campgrounds of Samois. Our plan is simple: bring the players who've inspired me, to you. It's a once-a-year opportunity and the only time many of these players will even come to the US. Certainly the most time
any of them will devote to teaching.
The sooner people register, the better prepared we will be, so if you'd like to take advantage of what we're offering, please do so now...right here:
Thanks...I look forward to sharing the time with you in just under 3 months!
William Brunard on guitar: