So many Gypsy Jazz songs end in odd, suspense inducing chords. How about a list of possible chords for song endings. Like in the key of C, ending with a Cmaj9b5: 8 x 10 9 7 10. Or in Cminor ending with Cm6maj7 (I guess that's what you'd call it): 8 x 7 8 8 7.
OK, have at it.
In major keys, the triad a half step below the tonic can be mysterious (have heard Tchavolo use that somewhere on Miri Familia too...maybe even with the 9 replacing the 3) - a normal voicing in C would be 8x987x (B/C).
x 3 5 4 4 3
x x 9 8 8 7
x 10 13 12 12 10
0 7 5 8 7 x
Which would be an Em9Maj7