So i will be recording gypsy rhythm guitar (pompe) for one song in a good studio with nice expensive mics.
Does anyone have any tips on how to best record my guitar?
The track will have a double bass , my guitar and soprano saxophone playing lead, so i will be only one guitarist playing the rythm.
In my previous attempts to record i had some problems with fret buzzes and all kinds of clicks that were very noticeable in recording.
When i listen to gypsy playalongs i don't hear no fret buzz, so my question is: is the buzz hidden somehow or its a guitar setup issue? My guitar has 3mm action and there is still some buzz here and there. Its not buzzing all over the place, but i can hear it on certain chords. I think if i raise the action even more the guitar will be unplayable.
I was thinking 3mm is pretty high action, im not too confortable with it especially on low strings playing lead. Maybe just need more practice.
As for buzz, don't let it worry you too much. I've got a 3.5mm action at the low E, and am thinking of lowering it a bit. As long as the notes don't crap out when you hit them. I was shocked by how much buzz Tchavolo has on his new album, but the sound in general is growing on me. A little buzz is actually nice (I can't believe I just said that!). Also, if you don't have to be ultra close miked, a bit of air between you and the mics, and where they're placed, can help de-emphasise buzz.
Is the clicking from your pick or the right hand hitting the top of the guitar?
PS- also watch out for harmonics when damping chords.