Another Newcomer to the Jazz Manouche world...



  • AndrewUlleAndrewUlle Cleveland, OH✭✭✭ Cigano GJ-15
    Posts: 542
    @Barkonator - is this your guitar? That's a beauty!
  • BarkonatorBarkonator Medina, OH✭✭ Mazaud - Vieux Paris
    Posts: 43
  • Kevin FurnissKevin Furniss France✭✭ AJL 503 XO
    Posts: 85
    Well done for posting your vid Andrew! You may have given me the courage to put a vid up for critique !
    I have been playing for around 2 years and keep saying that in a another couple or so I might look for someone to play with, I look forward to playing with a good player and I imagine it would bring you on, but I think I would benefit most from it if I can reach a decent level on my own,so its back to it for a while yet ! It's a lot of work this GJ !
    ........Oh and the household think the new Patenotte is a bit blummin looks like I may end up in the office.
  • edited January 2015 Posts: 3,707
    something to keep in the back of your mind when learning this. The temptation to go up to speed is strong but in the end it's way faster to play really slowly and get the sound and coordination really clean before trying to speed up.

    I will use Honeysuckle Rose for an example in C

    Practice really slowly on first change (eg D-7 G7 ) get it really clean for 2-3 minutes then play it full speed, see what works and what doesn't then if it still isn't quite right relax on something like a basic picking of the head for a few or free noodling

    THEN Go back and repeat the slow chord change for another 2-3 minutes and then try again at speed. When the first change is clean go on the the next change (G7-C69) and repeat

    Work you way through one song this way. If there is a section that has some unfamiliar voicings start at the end and work back to the known. Slowly enough that your fingers have plenty of time to move to the new locations without stress.

    In the example the /c69 C7/E Fmaj7 F#dim run cause some students difficulty. Start the process at the Fmaj7 F# dim chord change and then work the process backwards till you end up at a section you have down.

    At the end of your practice session try putting all you have worked on together slowly so that you make no mistakes. Then try at speed to see if you really have it. If not go back to slow but for the whole part you have down.

    What science is learning about how we learn is your brain will, melate the new brain cell interconnection after a few goes whether it is the way you want it to sound or not UNLESS. You immediately correct yourself. Once it's myelated, then you have to learn a whole new connection to get it right as far as is known now.

    I wish I had know this years ago, but as I have now mostly managed to practice this way over the past several months I have broken out of a. Plateau I was stuck at and my playing is advancing noticeably faster than it used to, even at my age.
    The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
  • Welcome! All great advice and I'd also recommend Stephane Wrembel's book Getting Into Gypsy Jazz w/CD and Robin Nolan's Gypsy Jazz Songbook. Both have simple melody tab and chord diagrams, etc. So much good free stuff on YouTube. Denis Chang has great intro stuff.
    Soundslice has some GJ stuff and Slow Downer or any app that allows you to cut speed while maintaining same pitch is helpful.
    This forum has great members and is very much a community and has helped me with all sorts of newbie stuff!
    Good luck. The GJ fever has struck again!
  • Kevin FurnissKevin Furniss France✭✭ AJL 503 XO
    Posts: 85
    Thanks for the advice for those us at the bottom of the GJ food chain :)

    The temptation to try to play up to speed is hard to resist, I certainly struggle.

    Re Honysuckle Rose - thank you Jazzaferri for the suggestions. I dont know if these have already been mentioned on here but I stumbled across these videos and I thought they were really good and at an easy going tempo.

    Perhaps they should be added as a link to the rookies section ??
  • Kevin FurnissKevin Furniss France✭✭ AJL 503 XO
    Posts: 85
    Fogot the link.
  • Posts: 5,018
    After seeing so many of the great videos posted by so many Djangobooks forum dwellers, I decided to put up one of mine for comic relief. If you think I should just quit now while I'm ahead, try to put it to me gently... LOL

    That's good.
    I'd say quicker damping would make it sound better. Slightly longer travel on 1 and 3. And less of that shuffle or whatever Denis called it.
    It's plenty good to jam with others though.

    Every note wants to go somewhere-Kurt Rosenwinkel
  • Chords have been simplified from original. Looks like Robin's chords from gig book but been a while since I played it in that key and can't remember
    The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
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