First off...
Thanks to Samy Daussat for posting these on you tube :-c
Great to hear some Tchan Tchou Vidal I hadn't had heard.

While checking out his channel I came across
Paul Pata, I'd like to know more about him and if possible some of his recordings would be a treat.
Hope you ENJOY
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pickitjohn :peace:
Great picture,That video is the one on Sammy's youtube channel that got me asking the question.
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pickitjohn :peace:
Henri Crolla also made a record or three in this style and was a much more sensitive and sophisticated player who could play these popular melodies in a very Parisien and jazzy manner - not "soupe" at all. Many examples are on youtube.
pretty Vanilla playing wasn't really wowed!
found more info...
sure do Love the net and how generous people are Patrus site certainly has lots of info, pictures, tunes, and video's, gotta spend some time there.
Thanks @patrus le sommelier
From Patrus 53 website other tunes to check out
Paul Pata, son of Bar Ferret, was also the cousin of Laro Sollero. Paul Pata also played in Sarane Ferret’s band.
pick on
pickitjohn :peace: