@lostjohn :-bd
Glad you liked it, Hot Club of Cowtown is a great band and a treat to see live. He sure makes it look easy and I love to watch his fretting hand lots of muscle memory going on there. It's great to see them when I'm in Austin and their not ON TOUR.
I stumbled on this several months ago and have found these inversions really helpful. Seen Whit a couple of times with the Hotclub of Cowtown and they were amazing. Catch 'em if you can.
Swang on,
They are definitely an amazing band, I love Whit's playing and you guys are on the money about Elana James, she's a great Player & Singer and very "Easy on the Eyes"
Thanks for posting this! I've watched it several times already. My teacher gave me a sheet that he did with a triad inversion lesson, and I never really knew what to do with it. This lesson that Whit does ties it all together, and makes complete sense now. It opens up a lot of doors.
I think Whit is a great teacher. Hope to check out his books soon.
Glad you liked it, Hot Club of Cowtown is a great band and a treat to see live. He sure makes it look easy and I love to watch his fretting hand lots of muscle memory going on there. It's great to see them when I'm in Austin and their not ON TOUR.
Swang on,
I think Whit is a great teacher. Hope to check out his books soon.
he is a great teacher and has two DVD's CHORDINATION Vol l & ll
you can find then @ http://www.whitsmith.net/
there's some freebie's there and a great interview