I received recently the 10th anniversary badge and I thought, "Man, is it really 10 years".
The site says there were 18 people to be there 10 years ago :
PhilPhil February 6
Teddy DupontTeddy Dupont February 4
François RAVEZFrançois RAVEZ February 1
djangologydjangology January 29
CalebFSUCalebFSU January 27
DjonathanDjonathan January 20
Ted GottsegenTed Gottsegen January 20
emicademicad January 19
StringswingerStringswinger January 16
jerojero January 16
Craig BumgarnerCraig Bumgarner January 15
scotscot January 15
CuimeanCuimean January 14
andoatagnandoatagn January 12
Russell LetsonRussell Letson January 11
I was awarded a virtuoso badge but I liked the ring of prodigy better. Virtuoso makes me feel too old, though I like a whole month of post editing privileges. Now I change my mind all the time.
Cheers and congrats on your first decade anniversary!
Wow. Memories... I remember two Yahoo groups - I don't know if that was one of them, but it probably was. I think the other was a local Portland Yahoo group for coordinating jams. I remember on the main Yahoo group there was a guy named zoot - really nice guy - whose avatar was a neon blue baby with sunglasses or headphones or something. Weirdest Avatar ever, but very memorable ;-). I remember that both of the Yahoo groups got increasingly contentious so I visited less and less often. Then at Djangofest, either Michael or Josh mentioned a "new chatroom site called Djangobooks". I think the conversation took place right before or after Angelo DeBarre's show - which would have been late Sept 2004. I joined a few months later and never looked back. Long Live DjB!
Django lives on and Djangobooks is part of the reason why.
Thanks Michael!
Zoot was Steve Royall from "The Django Swing Page Forum":- http://www.hotclub.co.uk/
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."