I was wondering what side of the pick you guys use for rhythm playing?
Pointy side? Rounded corner?
I'm using one the 3.5mm Wegen and finding the upstroke very rough from the pointy side.
When I try using the rounded corner side it is a lot smoother but either way I keep getting these 'squeaky', 'brushy'... noises when I upstroke on the strings!
I want to eventually be able to play the upstroke with both the pointed and rounded side.
Could anyone share their experience with me with how to minimize the 'squeakiness' from upstroking the strings?
And for those that use the pointed side of the pick, how do you get a smoother upstroke?
Is it as simple as relaxing the wrist and grip more?
Thanks everyone!
I tried some thinner picks but I still got the squeaky sound haha I have lots to work on!
Thanks for the reply @dennis ! I appreciate it!
The La Pompe you do in this video is the kind of sound I'm aiming for right now!
Could anyone give me feedback? I am really new to this and I'd love to find out what I could do to improve!
Best if you put up a video of what you're talking about when you say brushy or squeaky. Because to me that upstroke is supposed to sound like a brush, albeit it soft brush.