


  • Welcome aboard
    The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Hi Jake, thanks for joining us!

  • Michel 44Michel 44 Nantes ( France )New
    Posts: 2
    Hello all,
    I am Michel from France.I am 56 Years. I begin to play gypsy guitar. This forum is a really good job. I am decided to work hard the guitar and I think this forum was a good help.
    Sorry for my bad english.
    Michel :D
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Bonjour Michel, welcome to the forum!

  • Arturo AzcarragaArturo Azcarraga Lawrenceville, GA USANew
    Posts: 8
    Hello everybody, My name is Arturo and I live in Atlanta Georgia, USA. I just turned 41 years old, and I have known about Django since I was a teenager. I have played many styles of guitar/bass but the Django style has always eluded me. Now that we have the Internet, it is light years easier to find the resources and inspiration needed to learn this wonderful style. Coming to this realization, I decided to finally jump in feet first and learn how to play the Manouche guitar. I have had a couple of Saga student models, but only till recently did I really get the fire and desire to dig in. I am looking forward to learning from and contributing to the Gypsy Jazz community and helping it grow, especially here in the US. I am also thankful to Michael and those who make it their passion to spread the Gospel of Django to the farthest reaches of Cyberspace and beyond.
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Hi Arturo,

    Welcome to the forum. Good to know there's some Gypsy jazz in Hotlanta! I used to live there a long time ago...

  • Yes indeed a big welcome from me too.
    The Magic really starts to happen when you can play it with your eyes closed
  • groundygroundy New
    Posts: 1
    Great site Michael, although I have been playing guitar for nearly 50 years, I have only just decided to have a go at Gypsy Jazz after listening to it for years, The first thing I must do is get the right Guitar, having 4 Fenders I must get rid of one, .thanks again from a Snowy Scotland.....Alex
  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Hi Alex,

    Welcome to the world of Gypsy jazz! It's never too late to have quite an adventure ahead of you.

  • la pompe magiela pompe magie los angelesNew
    Posts: 6
    Hi Michael and everyone else!

    Just wanted to introduce myself - my name is J (well actually it's Jason but nobody calls me that and I hate spelling it 'Jay') - I'm 35 and Iive in the Eagle Rock neighborhood of Los Angeles, near Pasadena, with my wife and our two cats.

    I've been playing (that is to say, dicking around on) guitar for almost 20 years, self taught, but never got disciplined or organized around actually trying to improve or develop skill, never played with bands, it was always just a solitary hobby. I guess the truth is I was just never inspired or motivated to become what I would consider a "guitarist" - but like probably everybody else here, that changed when i started really listening to Django - suddenly I found myself feeling what I can only describe as a genuine NEED to learn and play this style of music.

    I guess that's why I made my handle 'la pompe magie' - not because i'm a pretentious ass or because i speak french (i don't) - but the rhythm and beauty of the music grabs and moves me in a way that is just magical.

    So... now I'm all in. I've started taking guitar lessons for the first time and have begun the painful process of unlearning 20 years of bad habits and trying to start from scratch to learn proper technique. Meanwhile I have begun using the awesome online resources (mostly this site!) to start learning the fundamentals of gypsy jazz.

    Anyway, that was much longer than I intended, I'm just 'pomped' up and super excited to have found such a big active community of players and enthusiasts who are so willing to share and I look forward to bugging you all for your secrets :) Thanks!

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