My in-every-other-way-fantastic Alves de Puga DR 670 has developed some sort of intermittent harmonic distortion when I strum a loud six string harmonic at the twelfth fret. As the volume decreases, the distortion fades away. I seem to have isolated the note at D. I was hearing what I thought was fret noise when I played the D note on the third string and on the second string as well during single note solos.
I have tried pressing pressing and lifting the tailpiece during the noise to see if there is some sort of vibration happening against the top of the guitar. I looked for other vibrating wood on the surface at the bridge and found nothing loose. I've inspected the guitar and I see no hairline cracks developing anywhere as of yet. I was wondering if bracing from the interior coming loose could cause this kind of symptoms. The strings are silk and steel and relatively new; haven't noticed any breaking surface or separation of coils.
I characterize the sound as a mild dirty distortion, very subtle though, and only occurring at three aforementioned locations.
Haven't brought the guitar into my local luthier yet, but that's probably the next step. Any thoughts or experience in these matters? Thanks advance for any suggestions.
Luthier had adjusted truss rod to reduce relief and straighten neck. The result was a vibrating truss rod in the neck (thanks for your help Michael and past forum commenters regarding vibrating truss rods). Returned and put some torque on the truss rod and the vibration disappeared. The neck is now dead straight and the action is a bit lower as well. I think I've lost a little bit of volume, or maybe I'm compensating by playing a little softer.
Nevertheless, I'm wondering if most players like a little relief in the neck or do you like a dead straight neck?