Second weekend added!
Grappelli-Django Camp has been sold out so we have decided to plan a second weekend on august 27 – 30.
The design will be slightly different from the first edition, but at least as much fun. For more information or signing up please contact us at (for the camp to take place a minimum of 15 participants will be required)
Due to large interest we are adding a second weekend on 27-30 AUGUST 2015.
Location: centre of Holland, 60 minutes from Schiphol … Tim Kliphuis (Rosenberg Trio, Fapy Lafertin – violinist) and Reinier Voet (Jimmy Rosenberg, Pigalle 44 – guitarist) are among the teachers. Sign up soon! If numbers allow, there will be a clinic by NOUS’CHE ROSENBERG!
For more info and signing up: