My main takeaway this time was to think in terms of a chord when coming up with solo lines, instead of scale approach. Which ties nicely with my main takeaway from last time which was to learn the inversions. When I eventually get this some day it'll be a grand day.
Rhythm classes were a nice surprise this year. Less stress on pompe and more attention on chord variations, rhythm solos and such. Pompe is obviously very important but as Rino put it, you should listen and practice it and try to sound like whomever you're listening to. He also says you can't explain it which I don't agree with don't argue with Rino.
One of these years we should do a collective Djangobooks people meet up.
While we're mentioning Patrus, I told myself I'll be more diligent taking pictures this time around but this was the only one I took, I wanted to remember this delicious bottle from wine tasting.
PS I'll fix the pic orientation when I get to the laptop
edit: when you click to open it, the orientation is cell cameras are weird.
Rhythm classes were a nice surprise this year. Less stress on pompe and more attention on chord variations, rhythm solos and such. Pompe is obviously very important but as Rino put it, you should listen and practice it and try to sound like whomever you're listening to. He also says you can't explain it which I don't agree with don't argue with Rino.
One of these years we should do a collective Djangobooks people meet up.
This video from Patrus certainly was a pleasure to see...
Joscho Stephan w/ Adrian / Django in June 2015
Thanks to the Gent that bought the amazing Di Mauro
PS I'll fix the pic orientation when I get to the laptop
edit: when you click to open it, the orientation is cell cameras are weird.