It seems like at least some of the great players do this. Any strong opinions? If so which fingers? I'm definitely liking my rhythm better. But I still find myself on 2 and 4 sometimes hitting the A string a little hard (and not muting enough) and making a bit of a "twang". Hopefully just being more consistent on 2 and 4 will give a drier sound. Brushing the strings with the thumb and fingers seems to help. ideas welcome!
You can tell which knuckles brush and where, because when you change a fresh set of strings there will be some black marks on the fingers. For me it's mostly on the index, but to a lesser extent all the top knuckles of the other fingers brush lightly. You will get lightly calloused there too - at first I had some concern for these marks and worried I should try to adjust the technique, but when looking closely at the right hands of many top players with a nice rhythm sound, I've seen this same pattern on the knuckles over and over again.
My other comment would be that I much prefer a rhythm technique where the pick stays close to the strings all the time. If you watch your la pompe motion on video or look down as you're playing naturally and your pick is routinely getting two or more inches out in front of the guitar then your motion is probably too wild and would benefit from a quieter swivel wrist motion and less or no movement of the forearm. Similarly, if your pick travels an inch or more above/below the low/high E strings then you're moving too much and should refine your rhythm technique.
Of course there are exceptions to lots of things, but I feel strongly that for contemporary gypsy rhythm playing it's a really strong foundation to develop an efficient technique without much extra motion.
I had to consciously learn how to make my finger tips to the first knuckle brush against the strings. It was only until someone pointed the technique out to me that I started doing this. I still experiment with different angles: sometimes I change my approach angle so that all my fingers tips brush the strings. Sometimes I just brush the strings with my nails. Both of these differences produce changes in the volume and a slightly different tone.
For the left hand technique, most modern GJ players compress on every beat and might not even lift off the strings entirely except when the finger positions change when going to the next chord. To sometimes accent chord changes, many players will compress and hold for beats both 1 and 2. For various tremolo techniques, it is advised to compress down just before the start of the tremolo and continuously hold down until the tremolo technique is complete.