On my electric and acoustic steel string guitars I always wipe down the strings after playing. I use a rag and lightly pinching each string individually I run the rag up and down the sting once or twice. I started doing this over 20 years ago and found it quadrupled my string life. However, Argentine strings seem to be different and it doesn't seem like this works as well, in fact sometimes it seems to accelerate the aging process. What do you folks do?
My hands don't sweat usually and whatever oil or skin secretions don't seem to bug the Thomastic flat-wounds.
In short I never wipe my strings,
In general I would only wipe them on gigs, that's when my hand sweat, not so much at home. They last a while, I can stretch to use them 5-6 weeks although I don't play that much.
There was a lengthy thread that touched on that topic too (I'm on mobile so not handy to look it up), it could be interesting for you.
Now that I practice on my electric and use amplification they last close to 20.