Hey all,
I just got my first Selmer style, a Dell Arte Minor Swing. I love it so far. I've done a few modifications, upped the gauge of my strings to 11's and shimmed the bridge a bit. I actually shimmed the bridge higher on the bass side and its at a good height for the low E and I have a really good height on the high e also, BUT I'm getting a bit of buzz from the G string. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas other than shimming the bridge more as everything else is near perfect.
2. If the bridge has notch that is too deep and flat for the string that can cause a buzz.
3. If it buzzes on the open string the zero fret might have a flat spot
4. If you are using a big tone or another pickup that has a wire on the inside of the body that might be buzzing
Just a few thing I would check.