Your resources.....
One Tardis, one case of Ardbeg single malt, one bag of finest weed, one fully charged Mac and two good mics, one charming, beautiful and persuasive multi lingual time travelling companion and one porridge pot magically filled with historically accurate and legal tender.
Your quest....
Gather Django and one by one other giants, then by hook or by crook record some duets and share them here.
Here is my list (and I SHALL attempt brevity for once).
Django and Sydney Bechet.
Django and Grigoras Dinicu,
and OH! ,what the hell, Django and Lemmy too !!!!
I think we know Lango Django's list............but what's yours ??????????????
I like listening to his grainy records despite the shortcomings but I'm not a huge fan of the recording itself (which I know a lot of people are)
Maybe, had Jimmy lived, and got more into jazz like he supposedly wanted to, them two could be a good match. Both boundaries pushing.
But then I'm not sure if Django would ever want to do a duet with another guitar player?
I think he'd be a good fit for Bill Evans though.
Welcome back Dave.
I know you've posted recently but is more like Dave we remember. Though this time around way less controversial.
Oh yeah, as much as I love Lemmy I'm afraid our beloved Django would be like "thumbs down".
@Buco I think Lemmy on acoustic spitting out Beatles songs and a sultry night time Ace of Spades while Django powered through the weed might just lead to something interesting. And as far as controversy goes I reckon Lemmy would be far less likely to earn a slap from our moustachioed hero than Jimmy who once lost is to my ear very frustrating.
One more rule, no bringing them to the present !
I for one don't fancy having to set up the Youtube account AngryDjango and be instructed to type 'Merde' all day, nor do I want to have to explain Justin Bieber.