Hi guys , it's been a while since my last post , i was listening to this recording of Django
Around 1:40 he starts playing triplets on a C major arpeggio , is he using his ring finger ? If yes , are there any examples of other recordings ( after his fire accident) where he is using his other fingers for single note soloing ?
Thanks for the reply , They do look like stuck in place , but , the recording of this tune suggests that there's no way he played this line using only two fingers , in fact it might prove that his third finger could be used for soloing to some extent , any thoughts ?
This came from people who witnessed this, is what I remember.
Al this to say, in a few pics, u can clearly see that he was able to wiggle his 2 damaged fingers in more ways than most people thought possible. For instance he can put his pinky on the b string and his ring finger on the e string. He can do all sorts of chords.
At the end of the j attendrai video, he is cleary using his damaged fingers to play octaves.
For single note soloing, witness accounts seem to suggest that it s pretty much two fingers. However, who knows? Maybe there are exceptions such as your example!
There is really no convenient way to do it w two fingers at that speed. Furthermore the playing isnt super clean so maybe he reallt did it with the damaged finger
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
There are two ways to play it with two fingers:
1) middle finger on the first note, index finger on second note, middle finger on third note, and then jump back up with middle finger
2) index finger on first note, slide down with index finger, then middle finger
In both scenarios, it is extremely difficult to play that up to speed. OF course, by then Django had 20 or so years of experience playing with only 2 fingers so maybe he was able to do certain things that seem absurd. However, even in practicing this way, i noticed that the faster i go , the more likely there was some sort of sliding sound as a result of having to use one finger to cover two frets... In this recording, unless i didn't hear correctly, i don't hear any slides... Furthermore , the playing is really not clean at all, so it's very well possible that he did use his damaged finger (ineffectively).