willballardNorthampton, UKNewGer Boonstra, Leo Eimers, Aylward, Mac10
Posts: 7
If that is the case then I wholeheartedly apologise and stand corrected. I hope Fapy is still endorsing Boonstra as they remain excellent guitars. The tone that Fapy was able to produce with his Boonstra; in my opinion, was second to none.
It's real pity that he dropped his and consequently refinished it himself, it was one of my favorite guitars; and his, as he performed with it almost exclusively for years..
Is this Fapy's Boonstra guitar? If so I recorded him with it in October. It was hard to record, as it doesn't respond well to the mics that I usually use. It calls for something softer / darker like a ribbon mic. I had to totally process the sound to make it sound "right".
That's not a criticism of the guitar, I'm sure Fapy was going for something very specific with this guitar, and it caught me off guard, and we only had very limited time in the studio!
My suggestion to anyone wanting to shell out big bucks for a guitar: TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!! Always! asking for recommendations is useless, as long as each luthier is building structurally sound instruments, it's all subjective, and you just need to try the one you like and buy it!
Is this Fapy's Boonstra guitar? If so I recorded him with it in October. It was hard to record, as it doesn't respond well to the mics that I usually use. It calls for something softer / darker like a ribbon mic. I had to totally process the sound to make it sound "right".
That's not a criticism of the guitar, I'm sure Fapy was going for something very specific with this guitar, and it caught me off guard, and we only had very limited time in the studio!
My suggestion to anyone wanting to shell out big bucks for a guitar: TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!! Always! asking for recommendations is useless, as long as each luthier is building structurally sound instruments, it's all subjective, and you just need to try the one you like and buy it!
Thanks Dennis!
P.S. Thanks for the heads up on the Fapy video series. I just bought the whole series a couple minutes ago.
P.S. Thanks for the heads up on the Fapy video series. I just bought the whole series a couple minutes ago.
Bought them too! Saw the ad and almost fell off the chair!
Same here! I couldn't buy them fast enough.
crookedpinkyGlasgow✭✭✭✭Alex Bishop D Hole, Altamira M & JWC D hole
Posts: 925
I've noticed that most of the top end players - Fapy,Lollo. Stochelo, Angelo - seem to change their allegiances to different makers quite often so I wouldn't read anything in to that.
I've noticed that most of the top end players - Fapy,Lollo. Stochelo, Angelo - seem to change their allegiances to different makers quite often so I wouldn't read anything in to that.
Well that has been obvious for some time, but I think that has been the way of it forever. Either they are only human, like the rest of us, and tempted by something new and shiny, maybe even wondering if it will add something new to their playing. Maybe it is just the old traditional Gypsy horse trading instincts, getting a free guitar(s) for an endorsement that may, or may not sell a few of that model to some fans who are impressed by such things.
I guess some folks are so tied up in the business of labels they believe what they want to. As a young learner starting out in the '70s I well remember buying a 335 and not being able to understand why I didn't sound like B.B.King. So I switched tack and bought a Tele'.......nope, still can't play like Albert Lee ! But, from those experiments I did slowly get to understand about how it is the player who makes 90% or more of the sound, the equipment is only a minor part. Back then I got to know one of the best London studio players who taught me some lessons (I say some, we were more often in the bar) and he showed me he could play any style on his self-built electric that was made from various found parts.
But of course many on here need the affirmation that the thousands of dollars they spend on guitars is putting them in some sort of special club because so-and-so plays one.
At least I can admit I have more guitars than talent and I will never be Fapy, but I am happy being me.
Thanks for the correction
That's not a criticism of the guitar, I'm sure Fapy was going for something very specific with this guitar, and it caught me off guard, and we only had very limited time in the studio!
My suggestion to anyone wanting to shell out big bucks for a guitar: TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!! Always! asking for recommendations is useless, as long as each luthier is building structurally sound instruments, it's all subjective, and you just need to try the one you like and buy it!
Thanks Dennis!
P.S. Thanks for the heads up on the Fapy video series. I just bought the whole series a couple minutes ago.
Bought them too! Saw the ad and almost fell off the chair!
Same here! I couldn't buy them fast enough.
I guess some folks are so tied up in the business of labels they believe what they want to. As a young learner starting out in the '70s I well remember buying a 335 and not being able to understand why I didn't sound like B.B.King. So I switched tack and bought a Tele'.......nope, still can't play like Albert Lee ! But, from those experiments I did slowly get to understand about how it is the player who makes 90% or more of the sound, the equipment is only a minor part. Back then I got to know one of the best London studio players who taught me some lessons (I say some, we were more often in the bar) and he showed me he could play any style on his self-built electric that was made from various found parts.
But of course many on here need the affirmation that the thousands of dollars they spend on guitars is putting them in some sort of special club because so-and-so plays one.
At least I can admit I have more guitars than talent and I will never be Fapy, but I am happy being me.