Hi Djangophiles
I have a confession: I'm kinda a poser with GJ. I'm not very talented musically, and all I have is a Cigano.
My training is in visual art. I've spent the last year doing a lot of Django drawings, as much as I can. I apologize about the timing. It's a little late for Christmas. Not absolutely, but pretty much.
Finally I have a site up with Django merch. I have t-shirts, posters, and mugs.
These are my favorite that I've drawn. They originated as pen and brush and ink drawings. Then I colorized and vectorized/posterized them for a "pop". Should look good on T's. This should cover the basics...
I have plenty of other designs, and also I want to add high quality prints of the original black and white drawings (I still need to do hi-rez scans), with frames and stuff.
Tell me what you think. If there are any pics of Django that you especially love that aren't represented please tell me and I'll see about making designs of those too. Or totally imagined poses you can think of!
Also, if you'd be so kind, are there any other sites I should post this to? To me this is the main hub of Djangophiles but there must be others.
Thanks all, I hope you like what I've created!
Personally I think something more subtle might work for a few people, the artwork on your homepage depicting djangos hands is good too... maybe quite small on a t shirt somewhere or wrapped around a mug etc ??
Hmmm, point taken. I like that idea.