As chord and single note tremolos are the thing that I'm really terrible at ( among other things) and I seem to ask this question every few years: what would those of you who can do these well recommend a player works on or thinks about when doing these?
Thanks in advance.
@billyshakes - is there anything specific that Lollo shared with you that helped it resonate?
For example, for single string tremolo try to learn and master Dick Dale's Misirlou.
I'm sure we all remember as beginners trying to play that major barre chord with the root on the 6th string. Fingers don't want to work. Barre doesn't work and the sound is crap. Then, one day, after sticking with starts to click, starts to work, and I think this is a little like that.
Anyway to get to the point of the thread, I'll repeat here what I said in the video and add something I don't think I mentioned there.
One, as you crank up on the picking frequency to get the tremolo going, lot less of the pick tip is hitting the strings. The pick is just brushing the string.
Secondly, the wrist is more bent, more angled towards the guitar top. You can see it on the screenshot of Joscho's hand. He doesn't play with this broken wrist normally.
And the motion of the hand/wrist is like rapid locking/unlocking the door with a key. Take that same motion, bend the wrist, make as little pick to strings contact as you can and hit it.
As the wrist is bent more than usual and you grab the pick the way you normally do, as you reach the strings the side of the pick will be the playing side more than a tip and that also helps brushing across the strings more smoothly.