What's the latest thinking on using the side of the pick (the round part) as opposed to the pointed part? I've heard Bireli played like that, but I dont know for sure. I've been experimenting with it and I like it. It's a bit quieter, with a slightly warmer tone. And I seem to have a little more control, or at least it feels that way to me. Maybe because my fingers on my right hand are more involved?
It leaves a black mark on the nail of my right index finger, which doesnt bother me. I'm using Dunlop Gator Grips, 1.5mm.
Just kidding. If you like it, do it. We are in agreement that there's more control over the notes and a rounder tone.
The note is quieter, but that's a good thing - you're placed more in the middle of your guitar's dynamic range, with the ability to increase/decrease volume (by picking with more/less force) and not sacrifice a good tone. For some reason I could not achieve the same control using the tip, the note would become too harsh when trying to increase volume.