Been doing a regular monthly gig at a local coffeehouse--The Neutral Ground at 5110 Danneel St. The September show is set for Tuesday, 9/18/2018, 7-9 PM. I've been trying to drum up some interest to get some of our local players to show up for what could be a nice jam session, hosted by yours truly, playing the standard early acoustic repertoire. Unfortunately, most of our New Orleans players get a chance to actually work and get paid, so a free jam session may not seem attractive. (This is actually a good thing.)
So . . . this call is for those shy home players wanting to finally get out and try out their chops. I'm not talking about only guitarists. I'm also looking for reed, violin, accordion players and singers looking for a low stress performance environment in a great quiet room. Come on by and/or write me here for more info.
This one will use my trio's current name: "Gypsy Jazz Tonite." My bandmates and friends have been suggesting we get another name. Since we all live in the crescent of the Mississippi, I came up with "Gypsy River." So far so good, although I think the original got the point across.
If you live in New Orleans and you read this forum, you're ready.

I hope a fair wind blows your way.